Twig Garden Design

Project Category : Landscaping


We were asked by a local garden design company in Edinburgh, Twig Garden Design, to help create a set of bespoke corten steel effect planting beds.

These planting beds were created especially for a balcony in the heart of Edinburgh’s Quartermile district. Twig supplied the envisaged idea and our technical team helped to create a 3D drawing of the planters in question.


The planters were created in our advanced composite with a rust finish (corten steel). Composite material was used because creating the planter out of real metal would have caused problems – the planters were to be installed on a small balcony and weight was an issue.

We were also asked to create a set of barriers with cut-outs that would enable installation over existing lighting on the balcony structure.


The planters were created on time and within the budget set, and collected by the Twig Garden Design team who said they loved them as soon as they saw them.

The bespoke corten-finish planters have a rugged appearance alongside the sharp, modern design of the furniture and surrounding balcony structure, which evokes a small rural piece of land in the heart of a busy city.

The simple barrier design is attractively illuminated at night with lights shining in the alcoves of the cut-outs.


Twig Garden Design

Project Date




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